Many churches choose a day to share about orphans and adoption with the congregation. Since November is National Adoption Awareness Month, many churches pick a day in November.
Here are some ideas from the Shaohannah’s Hope site:
- Establish a date convenient for your fellowship. Preferably around other adoption related events/celebration. Historically, National Adoption Day is celebrated the Saturday before Thanksgiving during National Adoption Awareness month (November). Although any time is appropriate there are a few important dates to note that might help in encouraging your leadership to participate. Possible dates: Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, the Sunday after National Adoption Day, or a Sunday in November, National Adoption Awareness Month, or May, National Foster Care Month.
- Advertise around the church on bulletin boards or where appropriate using “Adoption Sunday” posters.
- Encourage your senior pastor to preach about God’s heart for orphans, using resources from Inspirational Materials or the Show Hope Store.
- Play Build a Bridge of Hope video narrated by Steven Curtis Chapman , the Family Testimony video, the Hidden Treasure video, or the Facts video available on the Show Hope DVD.
- Allow an adoptive family to give their testimony.
- Dedicate a percentage of offering to your own adoption/orphan care ministry.
- Bring ALL adoptive families on stage for closing worship/prayer.
- Have a time of “Special Music” using one of the adoption songs mentioned in the Inspirational Materials, or show the “When Love Takes You In” music video.
- Provide bulletin inserts using the H.O.P.E. guidelines with information on for those who may be interested in adopting.
- Announce the first Adoption Ministry small group meeting. You may want to consider organizing an adoption workshop in your church as well.
- Consider providing a departing gift or some materials for your church members.