Buckner Orphan Care
Opportunities: Deliver shoes, construction, VBS, share Christ with a child, humanitarian aid, and medical aid. Countries: China, Kenya, Guatemala, Latvia, Peru, Romania, and Russia. Trips last 8-10 days. A Baptist Ministry.
Opportunities: Outreach to orphans and needy children. Give compassionate aid and share Christ. Trips last 10 days to 2 weeks. A Ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ.
Opportunities: Labor on orphanage or school, VBS, discipleship training, neighborhood evangelism, dental and medical care, sports clinics and camps. Countries: Brazil, Thailand, and Dominican Republic. Trips last about 1 ½ weeks.
Opportunities: Assist at an Orphan Baptism Retreat at the South China Sea, fellowship with the children. Country: Cambodia. Trips last about 1 ½ weeks.
Opportunities: Childcare, camp counselors, building construction, and Bible school. Countries: China, El Salvador, Russia, and Ethiopia. Trips last: 8-15 days
Your family can volunteer to help at a Christian summer camp for orphans. Opportunities: Lead devotions & prayer, tell your testimony, participating in U.S. culture night, performing in the talent show, sports and camp games, help organize events, arts and crafts. Country: Russia. Trip lasts: 2-8 weeks
Philip Hayden Foundation Children's Villages
Opportunities: Help at the children’s village (homes for orphans). Country: China (near Beijing) Trips last: 7-14 days. Additional: Visit the Great Wall of China, the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, and the Temple of Heaven. The Children’s Villages earn money to care for the orphans by hosting visitors.